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Energy and Resource Systems Analysis Laboratory
McCormick School of Engineering and Applied Science

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Curriculum Vitae

Runze Huang
2145 Sheridan Road, E127
Northwestern University
Evanston, IL, 60208
Tel: 1.847.467.4329


Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering (2013- anticipated graduate in 2016)
Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois

M.S. in Mechanical Engineering (2012 - 2013)
Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois

B.S. in Engineering Mechanics (2008 - 2012)
Beijing Institute of Technology, Beijing, China



Graduate Research Assistant, The Energy and Resource Systems Analysis Laboratory (ERSAL)                                         Oct. 2012 – Present
Northwestern University, McCormick School of Engineering and Applied Science

Project: Economic and Environmental Impact Assessment of Distributed Manufacturing                                     Jan. 2014 – Present
•    Identifying the economic and environmental implications of a distributed manufacturing future enabled by advanced technology         development such as 3D printing
•    Funded by Advanced Manufacturing Office, U.S. Department of Energy and collaborated with Argonne National Lab
•    1 literature review paper and 1 research paper under revision and to be submitted

Project: Life Cycle Assessment of Additive Manufacturing in U.S. Aircraft Industry                                          Jun. 2013 – Dec. 2013
•    Quantifying environmental benefits of adopting additive manufacturing in U.S. passenger aircraft industry until 2050s
•    Funded by Advanced Manufacturing Office, U.S. Department of Energy and collaborated with ANL and ORNL
•    1 journal paper under review

Project: Environmental and Impact Assessment of China’s Shale Gas Production in Future                            Nov. 2012 – Jun. 2014
•    Proposed predictions, insights and suggestions for Chinese shale gas production industry in future
•    2 journal papers published, 1 paper under review

Project: Economic Impact Analysis for Aviation Biofuel Production in Midwest U.S.                                          Jan. 2013 – Jun. 2013
•    Provided answers to potential economic impact and future policy suggestions for introducing aviation biofuels into Midwest of U.S.
•    Supported Policy and Economic Development team of MASBI (Midwest Aviation Sustainable Biofuels Initiative), which including more than 30 major stakeholders across the value chain (UA, Boeing, UOP, Clean Energy Trust, etc.)
•    Published as part of 2013 MASBI report

Project: Data analysis of EPA GHGRP and DOE MECS for Fuel Use in U.S. Food Industry                                Sep. 2012 – Mar. 2013
•    Processed large data for identifying the potential energy efficiency improvement in U.S. food industry
•    1 journal papers under revision and to be submitted


Cofounder and Director, Yunnan ZhongHeShenRun Bioenergy Tech, Ltd                                                                            Jan. 2011 – Sep. 2012
Kunming, Yunnan, China

•    Built up the company in China that commercializing new biomass to energy technologies from academia, majorly contributed with strategic planning and collaboration development
•    Planed and developing the first large-scale biogas and biomass gasification plant in Yunnan Province, listed as “China future green energy county” demonstration project in NDRC (National Development and Reform Commission) and China MOA (Ministry of Agriculture)
•    Developed collaborations with GIZ (The Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit GmbH), NDRC, China MOA and BRTC (Asian-Pacific Biogas Research and Training Center)
•    Attracting investments and bank advances from Deutsche Bank, World Bank and personal investors



Peer-reviewed journals


·         Masanet, E., Chang, Y., Yao, Y., Briam, R., and R. Huang (2014). “Reflections on a Massive Open Online LCA Course.” International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment.  In press


·         Chang, Y., Huang, R., and E. Masanet (2014). “The Energy, Water, and Air Pollution Implications of Tapping China's Shale Gas Reserves.” Resources, Conservation, and Recycling. Volume 91, Pages 100–108.


·         Chang, Y., Huang, R., Ries, R., and E. Masanet (2014). “Shale-to-well Energy Use and Air Polllutant Emissions of Shale Gas Production in China.” Applied Energy. Volume 125, Pages 147-157.


Working papers (journal manuscripts currently under review)


·         Huang, R., Riddle, M., Graziano, D., Warren, J., Das, S., Nimbalkar, S., Cresko, J., and E. Masanet (2014). “The Energy and Emissions Saving Potential of Additive Manufacturing: The Case of Lightweight Aircraft.”


 ·         Chang, Y., Huang, R., Ries, R., and E. Masanet (2014). “Life-cycle comparison of greenhouse gas emissions and water consumption for coal and shale gas fired electricity in China.”


Published conference abstracts


·         Huang, R., Riddle, M., Graziano, D., and E. Masanet (2014). “Life-cycle Techno-economic Modeling Framework for Net Impact Assessment of Distributed Manufacturing Relative to Centralized Manufacturing for Emerging Technologies.” ACLCA XIV, San Francisco, California, October 6-8  


·         Huang, R., Thwaites, F., and E. Masanet (2013). “Evaluation and Comparison od Data Sources for Determining Industrial Fuel End Use: MECS vs. EPA GHG Reporting Program.” Carbon Management Technology Conference 2013, Alexandria, Virginia, October 21-23  


           •    Proficient in Microsoft Office (Word, PowerPoint, Excel), life cycle assessments, finite element methods (Ansys, Abaqus, CFD),
                CAD/CAE (AutoCAD, Solidworks, Hyperworks), and basic programming (C/C++, Matlab)

•    Mandarin (native) and English (highly proficient)




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