Energy and Resource Systems Analysis Laboratory
McCormick School of Engineering and Applied Science
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Peer-reviewed journal articles 

** denotes invited articles reviewed by journal editor(s)

  1. Huang, R., Riddle, M., Graziano, D., Das, S., Nimbalkar, S., Cresko, J., and E. Masanet (2017). "Environmental and Economic Implications of Distributed Additive Manufacturing: The Case of Injection Molding." Journal of Industrial Ecology. In press.
  2. Das, S., Graziano, D., Upadhyayula, V.K., Masanet, E., Riddle, M., and J. Cresko (2016). "Vehicle  Lightweighting Energy Use Impacts in the U.S. Light-Duty Vehicle Fleet." Sustainable Materials and Technologies, Volume 8, Pages 5–13.
  3. YDas, S., Graziano, D., Upadhyayula, V.K., Masanet, E., Riddle, M., and J. Cresko. "Vehicle Lightweighting from a Life Cycle Energy and Emissions Perspective."Yao, Y., Graziano, D., Riddle, M., Cresko, J., and E. Masanet (2016). "Prospective energy analysis of emerging technologies for U.S. ethylene production." Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 55 (12), pp 3493–3505.
  4. Baldassarri, C., Shehabi, A., Asdrubali, F., and E. Masanet (2016). “Energy and Emissions Analysis of Next Generation Electrochromic Devices.” Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells.  Volume 156, Pages 170–181.
  5. Yao, Y., Graziano, D., Riddle, M., Cresko, J., and E. Masanet (2015). "Understanding variability to reduce the energy and GHG footprints of U.S. ethylene production."
    Environmental Science & Technology, 49 (24), pp 14704–14716.
  6. Chang, Y., Huang, Z, Reis, R, and E. Masanet (2015). “The embodied air pollutant emissions and water footprints of buildings in China: A quantification using disaggregated input-output life cycle inventory model.” Journal of Cleaner Production. Volume 113, 1 February 2016, Pages 274–284.
  7. Sathre, R., Breunig, H., Greenblatt, J., Larsen, P., Masanet, E., McKone, T., Quinn, N., and C.  Scown (2015). “Spatially-explicit water balance implications of carbon capture and sequestration." Environmental Modelling & Software. 75: 153–162. .
  8. Morrow, W.M., Marano, J., Hasanbeigi, A., Masanet, E., and J. Sathaye (2015). “Efficiency Improvement and CO2 Emission Reduction Potentials in the United States Petroleum Refining Industry". Energy – The International Journal.  Volume 93, Part 1, Pages 95–105.
  9. Warren, J., Riddle, M., Graziano, D., Upadhyayula, K., Das, S., Upadhyayula, V., Masanet, E., and J. Cresko (2015). “Energy Impacts of Wide Band Gap Semiconductors in the U.S. Electric Vehicle Fleet.” Environmental Science & Technology. 49(17):10294-302.
  10. Huang, R., Riddle, M., Graziano, D., Warren, J., Das, S., Nimbalkar, S., Cresko, J., and E. Masanet (2015). “The Energy and Emissions Saving Potential of Additive Manufacturing: The Case of Lightweight Aircraft.” Journal of Cleaner Production. Volume 135, 1 November 2016, Pages 1559-1570.
  11. Chang, Y., Huang, R., Ries, R., and E. Masanet (2015). “Life-cycle comparison of greenhouse gas emissions and water consumption for coal and shale gas fired electricity in China." Energy - The International Journal. Volume 86, pages 335-343.
  12. Briam, R., Walker, M., and E. Masanet (2015). “A Comparison of Product-Based Energy Intensity Metrics for Cheese and Whey Processing.” Journal of Food Engineering. Volume 151, April 2015, Pages 25-33.
  13. Yao, Y., Graziano, D., Riddle, M., Cresko, J., and E. Masanet. (2014). "Greener Pathways to Energy-Intensive Commodity Chemicals: Opportunities and Challenges." Current Opinion in Chemical Engineering. Volume 6, Pages 90-98.**
  14. Yao, Y., Chang, Y., and E. Masanet (2014). “A Hybrid Life-Cycle Inventory for Multi-Silicon PV Module Manufacturing in China.” Environmental Research Letters. Volume 9, Issue 11, Article number 114001.
  15. Walker, M.E., Arnold, C., Lettieri, D., M.J. Hutchins, and E. Masanet (2014). “Improved product energy intensity benchmarking metrics for thermally concentrated food products.” Environmental Science & Technology. Volume 48, Pages 12370−12377. 
  16. Masanet, E., Chang, Y., Yao, Y., Briam, R., and R. Huang (2014). “Reflections on a Massive Open Online LCA Course.” International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment.  Volume 19, Issue 12, 2014, Pages 1901-1907.**
  17. Chang, Y., Huang, R., and E. Masanet (2014). “The Energy, Water, and Air Pollution Implications of Tapping China's Shale Gas Reserves.” Resources, Conservation, and Recycling. Volume 91, Pages 100–108.
  18. Masanet, E., and Y. Chang. (2014) “Who Cares About LCA?  A Survey of 900 Prospective LCA Practitioners.”  Journal of Industrial Ecology. Volume 18, Issue 6, Pages 787-791. **
  19. Morrow, W.R., Gopal, A., Fitts, G., Lewis, S., Dale, L., and E. Masanet, (2014). "Feedstock Loss from Drought is a Major Economic Risk for Biofuel Producers." Biomass and Bioenergy.  Volume 69, pages 135-143.
  20. Shehabi, A., Walker, B., and E. Masanet (2014). “The Energy and Greenhouse Gas Emission Implications of Internet Video Streaming in the United States” Environmental Research Letters. Volume 9, Number 5: 054007.
  21. Gursel, A.P., Masanet, E., Horvath, A., and A. Stadel (2014). “Life-cycle inventory analysis of concrete production:  A critical review.”  Cement and Concrete Composites. Volume 51, August 2014, Pages 38-48.
  22. Chang, Y., Huang, R., Ries, R., and E. Masanet (2014). "Shale-to-well energy use and air pollutant emissions of shale gas production in China."  Applied Energy. Volume 125, Pages 147–157.
  23. Therkelsen, P., Masanet, E., and E. Worrell (2014). “Energy Efficiency Opportunities in the U.S. Commercial Baking Industry.” Journal of Food Engineering. Volume 130, Pages 14–22
  24. Walker, M.E., Lv, Z., and E. Masanet (2013). “Industrial Steam Systems and the Energy-Water Nexus.” Environmental Science & Technology. 47 (22), pp 13060–13067.
  25. Shehabi, A., DeForest, N., McNeil, A., Masanet, E., Greenblatt, J., Lee, E.S., Masson, G., Helms, B., Milliron, D. (2013). “U.S. energy savings potential from dynamic daylighting control glazings.”  Energy and Buildings.  Volume 66, November 2013, Pages 415–423.
  26. Masanet, E., Brush, A., and E. Worrell (2013). "Energy Efficiency Opportunities in the U.S. Dairy Processing Industry." Energy Engineering Journal Volume 111, Number 5.
  27. Masanet, E., and M.E. Walker (2013). "Energy-Water Efficiency and U.S. Industrial Steam." AIChE Journal. Volume 59, Number 7, pages 2268-2274. Cover article. **
  28. Masanet, E., Chang, Y., Gopal, A., Larsen, P., Morrow, W.R., Sathre, R., Shehabi, A., and P. Zhai (2013). "Life Cycle Assessment of Electric Power Systems." Annual Review of Environment and Resources. Volume 38. **
  29. Masanet, E., Shehabi, A., and J.G. Koomey (2013). “Characteristics of Low-Carbon Data Centers.” Nature Climate Change. Volume 3, July, pages 627-630.
  30. Hasanbeigi, A., Morrow, W., Masanet, E., Sathaye, J. and T. Xu (2013). "Energy Efficiency Improvement and CO2 Emissions Reduction Opportunities in the Cement Industry in China." Energy Policy. Volume 57, June 2013, Pages 287–297.
  31. Sathre, R., and E. Masanet (2013). “Prospective Life-cycle Modeling of a CCS System Using Metal-Organic Frameworks for CO2 Capture.”  Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) Advances. 2013,3, 4964-4975.
  32. DeForest, N., Shehabi, A., Garcia, G., Greenblatt, J., Masanet, E., Lee., E.S., Selkowitz, S., and D.J. Milliron (2013). “Developing Regional Performance Targets for Transparent Electrochromic Window Glazings.” Building and Environment. Volume 61, March 2013, Pages 160–168.
  33. Hasanbeigi, A., Morrow, W., Sathaye, J., Masanet, E., and T. Xu (2013). “A Bottom-Up Model to Estimate the Energy Efficiency Improvement and CO2 Emission Reduction Potentials in the Chinese Iron and Steel Industry.” Energy - The International Journal. Volume 50, 1 February 2013, Pages 315–325.
  34. Sathre, R., and E. Masanet (2012). “Energy and Climate Implications of CCS Deployment Strategies in the US Coal-fired Electricity Fleet.” Environmental Science & Technology. 46(17):9768-76.
  35. Zhai, P., Larsen, P., Millstein, D., Menon, S., and E. Masanet (2012). "The Potential for Avoided Emissions from Photovoltaic Electricity in the United States." Energy – The International Journal. Volume 47, Issue 1, Pages 443–450.
  36. Mishra, U., Torn, M., Masanet, E., and S. Ogle (2012). “Estimating regional soil carbon inventories: Combining the IPCC carbon inventory method with geostatistics.” Geoderma. Vol. 189-190 (November 2012), pp. 288-295.
  37. Scown, C.D, Nazaroff, W.W., Mishra,U., Strogen, B., Lobscheid, A.B., Masanet, E., Santero, N.J., Horvath, A., and T.E. McKone (2012). "Lifecycle Greenhouse Gas Implications of US National Scenarios for Cellulosic Ethanol Production." Environmental Research Letters. 7 (2012) 014011.
  38. Pacheco, E.B.A.V, Ronchetti, L.M., and E. Masanet (2012). “An Overview of Plastic Recycling in Rio De Janeiro State.” Resources, Conservation & Recycling. 60 (2012) 140– 146.
  39. Sathre R, Chester M, Cain J, Masanet E. (2012). "A framework for environmental assessment of CO2 capture and storage systems." Energy - The International Journal. 37(1): 540-548.
  40. Santero, N., Masanet, E., and A. Horvath (2011). “Life-Cycle Assessment of Pavements, Part I: Critical Review.” Resources, Conservation & Recycling, Volume 55, Issues 9-10.
  41. Santero, N., Masanet, E., and A. Horvath (2011). “Life-Cycle Assessment of Pavements, Part II: Filling the Research Gaps.” Resources, Conservation & Recycling,  Volume 55, Issues 9-10.
  42. Masanet, E., Brown, R.E., Shehabi, A., Koomey, J.G., and B. Nordman (2011). “Estimating the Energy Use and Efficiency Potential of U.S. Data Centers. Proceedings of the IEEE, Volume 99, Number 8.
  43. McKone, T.E., W. W. Nazaroff, P. Berck, M. Auffhammer, T. Lipman, M. S. Torn, E. Masanet, A. Lobscheid, N. Santero, U. Mishra, A. Barret, M. Bomberg, K. Fingerman, C. Scown, B. Strogen, and A. Horvath (2011). "Grand Challenges for Life-Cycle Assessment of Biofuels." Environmental Science & Technology,  Volume 45, Issue 5.
  44. Shehabi, A., Masanet, E., Price, H., Traber, K., Horvath, A., and W.W. Nazaroff. (2011). “Data Center Design and Location: Consequences for Electricity Use and Greenhouse-Gas Emissions.” Building and Environment, Volume 46, Issue 5.
  45. Masanet, E. (2010). “Energy Benefits of Electronic Controls at Small and Medium Sized U.S. Manufacturers.” Journal of Industrial Ecology,  Volume 14, Issue 5. **
  46. Sathaye, J.A., Lecocq, F., Masanet, E., Najam, A., Schaeffer, R., Swart, R., and H. Winkler (2009). “Opportunities to Change Development Pathways Towards Lower Greenhouse Gas Emissions Through Energy Efficiency.” Journal of Energy Efficiency, Volume 2, Number 4.
  47. Kramer, K.J., Masanet, E., and E. Worrell (2009). "Energy Efficiency Opportunities in the U.S. Pulp and Paper Industry." Energy Engineering Journal, Volume 107, Number 1.
  48. Masanet, E., and J. Sathaye (2009). "Challenges and Opportunities in Accounting for Non-Energy Use CO2 Emissions." Climatic Change, Volume 95, Numbers 3-4 **
  49. Masanet, E., and A. Horvath (2007). “Assessing the Benefits of Design for Recycling for Plastics in Electronics: A Case Study of Computer Enclosures.” Materials & Design, 28:1801-1811.
  50. White C.D., E. Masanet, C. Rosen, and S. Beckman (2003). "Product Recovery With Some Byte:  An Overview of Management Challenges and Environmental Consequences in Reverse Manufacturing for the Computer Industry." Journal of Cleaner Production, 11(4): 445-458.
Peer-reviewed conference papers (full paper reviewed and published)
  1. Morrow, W., et al. (2014). "Energy Efficiency Improvement in the U.S. Petroleum Refining Industry." Proceedings of the ECEEE Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Industry.  Papendal, Arnhem, the Netherlands.
  2. Morrow, W., Carpenter, A., Cresko, J., Masanet, E., Nimbalkar, S., and A. Shehabi (2013). "Cross-Sector Impact Analysis of Industrial Process and Materials Improvements." Proceedings of the 2013 ACEEE Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Industry, Niagara Falls, New York, ACEEE.
  3. Hasanbeigi, A., Morrow, W., Masanet, E., and J. Sathaye (2012). “A Bottom-Up Technology-Level Analysis of the Energy Efficiency Potential in China’s Iron and Steel Industry.” Proceedings of the ECEEE Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Industry.  Amersfoort, NL.
  4. Hasanbeigi, A., Morrow, W., Fridley, D., Masanet, E., Xu, T., Sathaye, J., and L.K. Price (2012). “Energy Efficiency Potential for China’s Cement Industry: A Bottom-up Technology-level Analysis.” Proceedings of the 19th CIRP Conference on Life Cycle Engineering, Berkeley, California.
  5. Lu, H., Masanet, E., and L.K. Price (2009). “Life-Cycle Assessment of Cement Production in China: Challenges and Opportunities.” Proceedings of the 2009 ACEEE Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Industry, Niagara Falls, New York, ACEEE.
  6. Masanet, E., L. Price, S. de la Rue du Can, and E. Worrell (2005).  “Reducing California’s Greenhouse Gas Emissions through Product Life-Cycle Optimization.” Proceedings of the 2005 ACEEE Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Industry, West Point, New York, ACEEE.
  7. Friedmann, R., F. Coito, E. Worrell, L. Price, E. Masanet, and M. Rufo (2005).  “California Industrial Energy Efficiency Potential.” Proceedings of the 2005 ACEEE Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Industry, West Point, New York, ACEEE.
  8. Kitou, E., A. Horvath, and E. Masanet (2002). “Putting in Perspective the Contribution of Transportation to the Environmental Effects of Telework.” 81st Transportation Research Board Conference, Washington, D.C., TRB.
Book chapters
  1. Sathaye, J., O. Lucon, A. Rahman, J. Christensen, F. Denton, J. Fujino, G. Heath, S. Kadner, M. Mirza, H. Rudnick, A. Schlaepfer, A. Shmakin (2011). “Renewable Energy in the Context of Sustainable Development.” In IPCC Special Report on Renewable Energy Sources and Climate Change Mitigation, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, United Kingdom and New York, NY, USA. (Contributing author)
Peer-reviewed scientific reports
  1. Masanet, E., P. Therkelsen and E. Worrell (2012). Energy Efficiency Improvement and Cost Saving Opportunities for the Baking Industry: An ENERGY STAR® Guide for Energy and Plant Managers. Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley, California. LBNL-6112E.
  2. Stadel, A., Gursel, P., and E. Masanet (2011). Life-Cycle Evaluation of Concrete Building Construction as a Strategy for Sustainable Cities. Portland Cement Association, Skokie, Illinois.
  3. Brush, A., E. Masanet, and E. Worrell (2011). Energy Efficiency Improvement and Cost Saving Opportunities for the Dairy Industry: An ENERGY STAR® Guide for Energy and Plant Managers. Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley, California.
  4. Kermeli, K., E. Worrell, and E. Masanet (2011). Energy Efficiency Improvement and Cost Saving Opportunities for the Concrete Industry: An ENERGY STAR® Guide for Energy and Plant Managers. Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley, California.
  5. Worrell, E., P. Blinde, M. Neelis, E. Blomen, and E. Masanet (2010). Energy Efficiency Improvement and Cost Saving Opportunities for the Iron and Steel Industry: An ENERGY STAR® Guide for Energy and Plant Managers. Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley, California.  LBNL-4779E.
  6. Worrell, E., T. Angelini, E. Masanet, and T. Xu (2010). Managing Plant Energy: An ENERGY STAR® for Industry Guide. Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley, California.
  7. Santero, N.J., Masanet, E., and A. Horvath (2010). Life-Cycle Assessment of Pavements: A Critical Review of Existing Research and Literature. Portland Cement Association, Washington, D.C.
  8. Masanet, E., K.J. Kramer, G.Homan, R.E. Brown, and E. Worrell (2009). Assessment of Household Carbon Footprint Reduction Potentials. California Energy Commission, PIER-Energy-Related Environmental Research Program. CEC-500-2009-072.
  9. Masanet, E., M. Ting, E. Worrell, A.H. Sanstad, M. Marsidi, R. Bharvirkar, and M. Rufo (2009). Estimation of Long-Term Energy Efficiency Potentials for California Buildings and Industry. California Energy Commission, PIER-Energy-Related Environmental Research Program.
  10. Kramer, K.J., E. Masanet, E. Worrell, and T. Xu (2009). Energy Efficiency Improvement and Cost Saving Opportunities for the Pulp and Paper Industry: An ENERGY STAR® Guide for Energy and Plant Managers. Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley, California. LBNL-2268E.
  11. Neelis, M., Worrell, E., and E. Masanet (2008). Energy Efficiency Improvement and Cost Saving Opportunities for the Petrochemical Industry: An ENERGY STAR® Guide for Energy and Plant Managers. Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley, California. LBNL-964E.
  12. Brown, R., Masanet, E., Nordman, B., Tschudi, W., Shehabi, A., Stanley, J., Koomey, J., Sartor, D., Chan, P., Loper, J., Capana, S., Hedman, B., Duff, R., Haines, E., Sass, D., and A. Fanara. (2007). Report to Congress on Server and Data Center Energy Efficiency: Public Law 109-431.  Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley, California. LBNL-363E.
  13. Masanet, E., E. Worrell, and C. Galitsky (2007). Energy Efficiency Improvement and Cost Saving Opportunities for the Fruit and Vegetable Processing Industry: An ENERGY STAR® Guide for Energy and Plant Managers. Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley, California. LBNL-59289.
  14. Masanet, E., L. Price, S. de la Rue du Can, R. Brown, and E. Worrell (2005). Optimization of Product Life Cycles to Reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions in California. California Energy Commission, PIER Energy-Related Environmental Research. CEC-500-2005-110.
  15. Galitsky, C., E. Worrell, and E. Masanet (2005). Energy Efficiency Improvement and Cost Saving Opportunities for the Glass Industry: An ENERGY STAR® Guide for Energy and Plant Managers. Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley, California. LBNL-57335.
  16. Galitsky, C., C. Sheng-chieh, E. Worrell, and E. Masanet (2005). Energy Efficiency Improvement and Cost Saving Opportunities for the Pharmaceutical Industry: An ENERGY STAR® Guide for Energy and Plant Managers. Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley, California. LBNL-57260.
  17. Murtishaw, S., L. Price, S. de la Rue du Can, E. Masanet, E. Worrell, and J. Sathaye (2005). Development of Energy Balances for the State of California. California Energy Commission, PIER Energy-Related Environmental Research. CEC-500-2005-068.
Conference papers (abstract reviewed, full paper published)

  1. Masanet, E., Stadel, A., and A.P. Gursel (2012). “Greener Buildings Through Site-Specific Life-Cycle Assessment.  Green Build 2012, San Francisco, California.
  2. Marano, J.J., Morrow, W.R., Sathaye, J., Masanet, E. and T Xu (2012). "Refining Energy Utilization and CO2 Emissions Modeling." American Institute of Chemical Engineers Spring Meeting, Houston, Texas.
  3. Sathre, R., Bruenig, H., Larsen, P., Masanet, E., and T. McKone (2012). “Spatially-Explicit Impacts of Carbon Capture and Storage Sequestration on Water Supply and Demand.” Proceedings of the 11h Annual Conference on Carbon Capture and Sequestration, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
  4. Sathre, R., Cain, J., Chester, M., and E. Masanet (2011). “The Role of Life Cycle Assessment in Identifying and Reducing the Environmental Impacts of Carbon Capture and Sequestraion.” Proceedings of the 10th Annual Conference on Carbon Capture and Sequestration, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
  5. Masanet, E., Kramer, K.J., Homan, G., Brown, R., and E. Worrell (2009). "Assessment of Supply Chain Energy Efficiency Potentials: A U.S. Case Study." Proceedings of the 2009 IEEE International Symposium on Sustainable Systems and Technologies, Tempe, Arizona, IEEE.
  6. Worrell, E., E. Masanet, M. Neelis, and P. Blinde (2009). “An Assessment of Energy Efficiency Opportunities for the U.S. Iron and Steel Industry.” Proceedings of the 2009 World Energy Engineering Congress, Washington, D.C.
  7. Kramer, K.J., Masanet, E., and E. Worrell (2008). "An Assessment of Energy Efficiency Opportunities for U.S. Pulp and Paper Mills." Proceedings of the 2008 World Energy Engineering Congress, Washington, D.C.
  8. Masanet, E., and A. Horvath (2006), “Enterprise Strategies for Reducing the Environmental Impacts of Personal Computers.” Proceedings of the 2006 IEEE International Symposium on Electronics & Environment, San Francisco, California, IEEE.
  9. Lung, R.B., E. Masanet, and A. McKane (2006). “The Role of Emerging Technologies in Improving Energy Efficiency: Examples from the Food Processing Industry.” Proceedings of the Industrial Energy Technologies Conference, New Orleans, Louisiana.
  10. Masanet, E., and A. Horvath (2004), "A Decision-Support Tool for the Take-Back of Plastics from End-of-Life Electronics.” Proceedings of the 2004 IEEE International Symposium on Electronics & Environment, Scottsdale, Arizona, IEEE.
  11. Masanet, E., M. Newton, and R. Auer (2003). "Practical Aspects of the Materials Declaration Process.” Proceedings of the 2003 IEEE International Symposium on Electronics & Environment, Boston, Massachusetts, IEEE.
  12. Masanet, E., R. Auer, D. Tsuda, T. Barillot, and A. Baynes (2002). "An Assessment and Prioritization of 'Design for Recycling' Guidelines for Plastic Components.” Proceedings of the 2002 IEEE International Symposium on Electronics & Environment, San Francisco, California, IEEE.
  13. Masanet, E. (2002). "Assessing Public Exposure to Silver-Contaminated Groundwater from Lead-Free Solder: An Upper Bound, Risk-Based Approach.” Proceedings of the 2002 IEEE International Symposium on Electronics & Environment, San Francisco, California, IEEE.
  14. Kitou E., E. Masanet, and A. Horvath (2001). “Web-Based Tool for Estimating the Environmental Impacts of Telecommuting.” Proceedings of the 2001 IEEE International Symposium on Electronics & Environment, Denver, Colorado, IEEE.
Letters and editorials
  1. Sathre, R., Dodoo, A., Gustavsson, L., Lippke, B., Marland, G., Masanet, E., Solberg, B., and F. Werner (2012). “Comment on “Material Nature versus Structural Nurture: The Embodied Carbon of Fundamental Structural Elements.”” Environmental Science & Technology. Volume 46, Number 6, pp 3595–3596.
  2. Masanet, E., and H.S. Matthews (2010). “Exploring Environmental Applications and Benefits of Information and Communication Technology.” Journal of Industrial Ecology,  Volume 14, Issue 5.
Technical reports
  1. Masanet, E., Shehabi, A., Ramakrishnan, L., Liang, J., Ma, X., Walker, B., Hendrix, V., and P. Mantha (2013). The Energy Efficiency Potential of Cloud-Based Software: A U.S. Case Study. Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley, California.
  2. Hasanbeigi, A., Morrow, W., Masanet, E., Sathaye, J., and T. Xu (2012). Assessment of Energy Efficiency Improvement and CO2 Emission Reduction Potentials in the Cement Industry in China. Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley, California.
  3. Hasanbeigi, A., Morrow, W., Masanet, E., Sathaye, J., and T. Xu (2012). Assessment of Energy Efficiency Improvement and CO2 Emission Reduction Potentials in the Iron and Steel Industry in China. Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley, California.
  4. Horvath, A., and E. Masanet (2012). Residential and Commercial Carpet Case Study The Potential Impacts of Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) in California on Global Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Emissions. California Department of Resources Recycling and Recovery, Sacramento, California. Publication # DRRR-2012-1434.
  5. Horvath, A., and E. Masanet (2012). Single-Use Alkaline Battery Case Study: The Potential Impacts of Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) in California on Global Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Emissions. California Department of Resources Recycling and Recovery, Sacramento, California. Publication # DRRR-2012-1433
  6. Lu, A., McMahon, J.E., Masanet, E., and J. Lutz (2011).  “Our Environment in Hot Water: A Life Cycle Approach Comparing Tank and Tankless Water Heaters in California.” Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley, California. LBNL-4602E.
  7. Masanet, E., Matthews, H.S., Carlson, D., and A. Horvath (2011).  Retail Climate Change Mitigation: Life-Cycle Emission and Energy Efficiency Labels and Standards. California Air Resources Board, Sacramento, California.
  8. Sathaye, J., R. Bharvirkar, S. de la Rue du Can, G. Ghatikar, M. Iyer, E. Masanet, L. Price, E. Vine (2009).  “Energy Efficiency and Sustainable Development: Potential for US-India Collaboration in Buildings, Industry and the Smart Grid.” Background Paper for the US-India Energy Efficiency Conference, November 16-17, New Delhi, India.
  9. Masanet, E., Murtishaw, S., de la Rue du Can, S., Galitsky, C., and A. McKane (2006).  Compendium of Best Practices for Energy and Water Efficiency in the Fruit and Vegetable Processing, Dairy, and Beverage Industries.  Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley, California. LBNL-57260. LBNL-61483.
  10. Masanet, E., and A. Horvath (2006). An Analysis of Measures for Reducing the Life-Cycle Energy Use and Greenhouse Gas Emissions of California’s Personal Computers. University of California Energy Institute Technical Report, Berkeley, California. LBNL-63332.
Trade publications
  1. Masanet, E., E. Worrell, and W. Tunnessen (2010). “Improve Your Energy Efficiency: The Energy Guide for the U.S. Pulp and Paper Industry.” Paper360, TAPPI Press, Norcross, Georgia, January/February.
  2. Worrell, E. and E. Masanet (2006).  “Promoting Energy Efficiency in the U.S. Cement Industry: The U.S. EPA ENERGY STAR Program.” Compressed Air Best Practices, November.
  3. Galitsky, C., E. Masanet, E. Worrell, and C.S. Chang (2006). “Improving Energy Efficiency in Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Operations, Part 2: Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning Systems and Co-Generation.” Pharmaceutical Manufacturing, May.
  4. Galitsky, C., E. Worrell, E. Masanet, and C.S. Chang (2006). “Improving Energy Efficiency in Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Operations, Part 1: Motors and Drives, Pumps, and Compressed Air Systems.” Pharmaceutical Manufacturing, February.
Published conference abstracts
  1. Masanet, E. (2012). “Prospective LCA of next-generation manufacturing systems in the United States.” Abstract. SETAC North America 33rd Annual Meeting, Long Beach, California. November 11-15.
  2. Sathre, R., and E. Masanet (2012). “Prospective Life-cycle Modeling of a CCS System Using Metal-Organic Frameworks for CO2 Capture.” Abstract. SETAC North America 33rd Annual Meeting, Long Beach, California. November 11-15.
  3. Masanet, E. (2012). “LCA for Materials Efficiency: An Input-Output Approach.” Abstract. Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) XII Conference, Tacoma, Washington. September 25-27.
  4. Zhai, P., Sathre, R., Greenblatt, J., and E. Masanet (2012). “LCA Study of Artificial Photosynthesis - embodied energy in materials and manufacturing processes.” Abstract. Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) XII Conference, Tacoma, Washington. September 25-27.
  5. Sathre, R., and E. Masanet (2012). “Cumulative Radiative Forcing Implications of Deployment Strategies for Carbon Capture and Storage.” Abstract. American Geophysical Union Fall 2012 Meeting, San Francisco, California.
  6. Masanet, E. (2009). “A Hybrid Input-Output, Bottom-Up Approach for Assessing Supply Chain Environmental Improvement Potentials.” Abstract. Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) IX Conference, Boston, Massachusetts, September 29 – October 2.
  7. Masanet, E., and A. Horvath (2004). "Identifying Environmentally and Economically Sound Take-Back Strategies for Plastics from End-of-Life Electronics.” Abstract. SETAC Europe 14th Annual Meeting, Prague, Czech Republic, SETAC.
  8. Masanet, E., and A. Horvath (2003). "A Systems-Based, Economic and Environmental Design for Recycling Advisor for Engineering Thermoplastics in Electronic Equipment.” Abstract. 2003 International Society for Industrial Ecology Conference, Ann Arbor, Michigan, ISIE.
  9. Kitou, E., A. Horvath, and E. Masanet (2001). "Environmental Implications of Telework." Abstract. 2001 International Society for Industrial Ecology Conference, Leiden, The Netherlands, ISIE.
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